Thursday, April 17, 2014

Springtime Cupcakes

My husband hates cake so I don't get to make cakey type things very often. So whenever the kids have a party at school, I usually volunteer to make cupcakes. And of course, I always visit Pinterest for fun ideas :-)

This one was really cute and looked fairly easy. They didn't turn out exactly like the picture, but they turned out pretty darn cute :-D

First thing I always do is try and find a really cute cupcake wrapper that won't gross out the boys in the class.

To make the grass, you use the grass tip (the one with all the little holes in the top). Then use the spring colored M&Ms, using the yellow ones for the butterflies' heads, and the other colors for their bodies. Add a few pretzels for their winds, and you've got an adorable butterfly! You can also use the white or regular chocolate covered pretzels but I couldn't find a decent sized bag of those at the store ;-)

The Pinterest picture also used black licorice or some other sort of stringy black candy to make antennas. I tried piping chocolate icing but it didn't look right so I just left them off. 

My daughter was thrilled. And they were simple to do. And yummy too! :-)

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